1 SmartDraw requires Windows version 3.1 or greater in Standard or Enhanced Mode.
2 There is no active printer selected. Choose Printer Setup from the File menu to select a printer.
3 SmartDraw requires at least 350K of free memory to run.
4 Unable to open file created with a later version of SmartDraw.
5 Unable to open file. It is probably not a SmartDraw 1.0 file.
6 Not enough disk space for standard operations. Please delete unnecessary files from your disk and try again.
7 Unable to open the file you requested. It may not exist or you may have too many files open.
8 Unable to open file. You may be low on memory or disk space. Check disk space, close other applications, then try again.
9 You can open up to 16 documents at the same time. Save and close one of the open documents, then try again.
10 Unable to save file. Try saving to another disk or to a different directory.
11 There is not enough memory normal operations. Please close other programs or exit SmartDraw. If the problem persists, consult your Windows User's Guide for ideas on how to allocate more memory for applications.
12 The Print Setup dialog cannot be opened. It may be that the printer/port combination assigned to this printer cannot be found. Do you want to switch to the default printer?
13 There are too many different fonts in use. Close your documents and exit the program.
14 You have entered more text in this block than you can save. Please undo your last change.
15 A problem occurred while printing. Check your printer assignment. Turn your printer off and on, then try again.
16 Unable to undo this operation.
17 Disk or memory error occurred. Unable to complete this operation.
18 This feature is not available in the Trial Edition.
19 One or more of the objects on this page exceed the page dimensions. Double click on it to reduce its size.
20 This file does not have a format suitable for import.
21 SmartDraw cannot import compressed BMP files.
22 You must select only one object.
23 This sheet has no data to export.
24 You must select at least two shapes or lines for this command to work.
25 Aligning the objects you have selected to the object with the solid selection "handles" would cause one or more of them to lie outside your drawing area.
26 The printer you have selected is not suitable for graphical output. Please select another.
27 You cannot align objects that are hooked to other objects. You must select at a least two objects that are not hooked to any others to use the Align command.
28 Objects that are hooked to other objects can only be moved by first unhooking them. This can be done by moving them with the mouse.
29 Making this change would force some of your objects outside the bounds of the drawing area.
30 Adding more objects would exceed the limit of 16,000 objects per drawing.
31 One or more of the objects you selected for this operation is hooked to two other objects. Their size is determined by the position of those objects and cannot be changed with this operation.
32 There are no objects to print.
33 You must first click on one of the buttons in the SmartDrawing library window.
34 This will permanently remove this SmartDrawing from the library.
35 The line you have selected as the target has no "size" in this direction.
36 None of the objects you have selected can be sized to match your target object in the direction you have chosen because horizontal and vertical lines can only be sized along their length.
37 Your Windows system resource level is only
38 %. This may lead to drawing errors. Close other applications.
39 The "WingDings" font could not be found on your system. The "Insert Symbol" command under the Text menu has been disabled.
40 An error occurred while closing this library. It may be damaged. Restore it with the original copy if possible, or delete it.
41 This trial version of SmartDraw has now expired. You may download a recent copy from http://www.smartdraw.com.\nTo purchase a copy, contact SmartDraw at 1 800 501 0314 [619 549 0314 outside the US].
42 This version of SmartDraw is damaged or has been tampered with.\n Contact SmartDraw Software Inc. at (619) 549 0314 for a replacement.
43 You can have up to 16 SmartDrawing Windows open at the same time. Use the SmartDrawing menu in one of the open windows to select another library for that window.
44 This library is already open and has been brought to the front.
45 You can only apply a line type to ordinary straight lines. \n\nLine Types do not apply to segmented lines and arcs.
46 This library is full. Try adding the SmartDrawing to a different library.
47 You have dragged this SmartDrawing to another library window.\n\nDo you want to add a copy to this library?
48 There is no file attached to this object.\n\nWould you like to select one?
49 The file attached to this object can no longer be found.\n\nDo you want to attach another?
50 Clear files attached to all selected objects?
51 This SmartDrawing Library cannot be modified because it has not been opened with write permission. This is probably because it has been opened by another user or marked as a read-only file.
52 One or more of the objects that you are attempting to group are linked to another that is not included in the group. These linked objects have been omitted from the group.
53 If you save this drawing it will be converted to SmartDraw 3 format, and will no longer be readable by SmartDraw 1.0 or 2.0.\n\n Continue saving?
54 If you save this drawing it will be converted to SmartDraw 3 format, and will no longer be readable by SmartDraw 1.0 or 2.0. Saving it to another file name using "Save As.." will retain the original copy.\n\n Continue saving?
55 You must select at a least three objects that are not hooked to any others to use the Space Evenly command.
56 Adding more links would exceed the limit of 6000 links per drawing.
57 Printed with an UNLICENSED COPY of SmartDraw.
58 Exporting to GIF format may take several minutes.\n\nExporting to other bitmapped formats, such as BMP, is much faster. \nDo you want to continue?
59 This file was created for use with the Trial Edition of SmartDraw only. It cannot be opened by the regular version.
60 Unable to locate the MAPI.DLL file in your system.
61 Do you want to allow a drive used by some of your documents to be removed?
62 The drive containing this and other documents attached to it has been disconnected. You must save them to another path.
63 This file is a read only file, or it is in use. You cannot save it under its current name. Choose Save As and save under a different name.
64 This file is a read only file, or it is in use. You can save any changes you make, but only to another file name.
65 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL http://www.smartdraw.com.
66 Objects that are hooked to other objects can only be flipped or rotated by first unhooking them. This can be done by moving them with the mouse.
67 You have dragged these objects to a SmartDrawing library window.\n\nDo you want to add a copy of these objects to this library as a new symbol?
68 There are no objects to center. The drawing is empty.
69 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL http://www.smartdraw.com/techsup.htm
70 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL http://www.kiss.co.uk/smartdraw.html.
71 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL http://www.kiss.co.uk/sdtech.html
72 This version of SmartDraw is damaged or has been tampered with.\n Contact Kiss Software Corp. at (44) 1675 468 331 for a replacement.
73 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL
74 Windows was unable to find or load your file. \n\nRun the application that opens it and open file